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Zero tolerance against financial crime: NRB

KATHMANDU, APR 29 - Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Governor Yubaraj Khatiwada said on Monday that the central bank had adopted a zero tolerance policy against financial crime.
Misdeeds in the financial sector have swelled in recent years along with an increase in the number of financial institutions. Several companies have become crisis-ridden as a result of the transgressions of their operators, many of whom have landed in jail for embezzling public deposits. 
Governor Khatiwada said that the regulatory body was working on reforms in the financial sector to ensure that it runs efficiently and in a transparent manner.
The central bank has recently taken measures requiring banks and financial institutions (BFIs) to provide greater disclosure. It is also planning to introduce a new NRB Act enabling it to liquidate crisis-ridden BFIs and revamp the Bank and Financial Institution Act to give greater power to the central bank.
Speaking at a programme organised by the Nepal Rastra Bank Employees’ Association to mark its silver jubilee, Khatiwada said NRB had been facing lots of challenges in the process of reforming the financial sector.
“However, NRB has adopted the policy of maintaining a solid footing in the present situation. A time will come when it will have to look forward and not remain in its present position,” he said.
Lauding the role of the trade union in improving NRB, the governor stressed the need to strengthen the central bank too. “Unless the regulator keeps itself upgraded with the changing times, the functioning of the entire financial sector cannot be improved.”
Meanwhile, a majority of the speakers at the programme criticised the uneven pattern of the loan portfolios maintained by BFIs with most of them limiting their lending in urban areas. Due to this trend, most people in rural areas are still deprived of the opportunity of benefiting from financial services, they said.
Similarly, CPN-UML Chairman Jhala Nath Khanal said the role of fiscal, financial and monetary policies were vital during social transitions like the present one in order to maintain stability. “NRB now needs to focus on improving the economic indicators of the rural economy,” he added.
Leaders of the employees’ union stressed the need to develop a financial inclusion modality to give access to the poor in the financial system. “Needy people have been compelled to pay high interest rates for loans, and such a situation should end,” they said.

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